Hey Fam,
How is everybody? I'm doing pretty well. This week has been a little rough, but it's ok.
This last monday morning Elder Briceño took off for Tanaquillo, and I was in a trio with the other companionship we live with while I was waiting on my new comp. It stunk being in a trio because, unless I was in divisions with one of the members, there wasn't much time to work in the area. Finally on Thursday morning I took off at about eight thirty in the morning to Guadalajara by bus. It was the strangest time of my mission because I had to go all the way to Guadalajara... alone! It was so stressful. The bus wasn't super bad because I just slept the whole time, but then when I got to the bus station in GDL I had to walk out into public alone (well I sort of ran), find a taxi alone, and ride all the way to the mission offices in a sketchy smelling taxi, feeling pretty alone. I did get to have quite a lengthy discussion with the taxi driver about the Book of Mormon though, so that helped pass the time. When I got to the offices, I waited with the other trainers while our new comps arrived from the airport. Then we got to go to a buffet, which was pretty sweet. Then we came back for the orientation, found out who we'd be training, and ended up having to spend the night there and then come back to Uruapan on a bus the next morning. My new comp is Elder Walker (texas ranger), from Kaysville, Utah. He's a very focused, excited, Preach My Gospel following missionary. I don't know what I could really help him with to be a better missionary, because he seems to have things down pretty good, and I still feel like I'm just getting started. We should be able to have some great experiences in the field together.
As far as the area goes, I'm a little stressed about it because we haven't been there alot. Not many investigators made it to church this Sunday, and as a result, some baptismal dates fell. We did get ahold of Alfredo, one of our investigators we hadn't been able to find at home in a while, on Sunday in the evening. He's looking great! He's been reading a ton in the Book of Mormon, and focusing on repenting of his past transgressions. It's been awesome to see the Spirit touch him and teach him through the scriptures.
Anyway, that's about all that's been going on this week. I'm excited to get going with this next week, because I just want to get back to the missionary work! so that will be good.
Shash- Good luck on your spelling B and your science fair Sloosh! I bet you're going to do great in both of them! :) That's great that Rhino loved the bread! haha. I bet he can chow down quite a bit of it. Did you look it up or something to see if it's normal to feed hamsters bread? I hope it is. haha. I sure love ya Shash. have a great week!
Den- That stinks you lost your game denny o. oh well. Sounds like your day with mom was pretty sweet! That's good that the HP movie is pretty accurate with what the book is like. Love ya denny. have a great week!
Nay- So did your Ipod just like bounce out of your purse when you were running? Did it get scratched up? What kind is it? haha. Technology is going to be so different when I get home. That stinks there's not a scholarship program for music therapy. There should be. haha. Oh well. Love ya Nay! have a great week!
Mom- Sounds like having Phillip over was quite a blast. I remember he was pretty funny when I used to TA in his math class. Yes, the new years festivities are finally over. And I found out that Christmas didn't officially end until the 7th of January. Crazy! This country loves to party. They already started their parties for one of their holidays for the Catholic Saints now. Then it'll be time for Valentines. haha. Could you let Julie Stinnett know I got the letter and the package she sent? I'll send her a thank you note too, but just so she knows that they got here. I love ya Mom. have a great week!
Dad- The weather reports your reading sound like they're probably pretty accurate. haha. Thanks for letting me know of the people that are asking about the mission. That's sweet that Fui is training! I think this time I'm training more because of the things I need to improve on and re learn than for the things I'm doing well. haha. There's alot of changes that will be going on with the work in our area soon. Well I love ya Dad! have a great week!
Dig- That's sweet about wrestling man! I wish I could be there to see your first season. Oh well, I'll be there just in time for your eighth grade season next year, when you're even more pro. haha. Sounds like you've been having a blast with your friends Dig! Sweet. Those UFC sleepovers are the funnest. haha. Love ya Dig! Have a great week!
Love you all!
Elder Aguilar
Monday, January 10, 2011
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12 more fast sundays!!!!!!